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Case StudIES

Atom Bits Results 

* For holes more than 400 deep in average

In Chihuahua, Mexico underground drillers achieved 39% more meters in average than competition and 22% faster drilling with Blade 9. 

In Sonora, Mexico surface drillers in highly broken ground conditions gained 24% more meters and 8% faster penetration using Blade series over competition.

In Saudi Arabia, surface contractors consistently drilled on average 170m with Blade 7 versus another Canadian manufacturer's bit average of 53m. The penetration rate was 486mm/min with Atom Bit vs 367mm/min with our Canadian competitor’s bits.

In Quebec, an underground drilling contractor achieved an average of 291m with Atom Bits, compared with the 279m average they had in the mine. The biggest difference was the penetration rate, where they had 20% more meters per shift. They then started using higher impregnation depths for even better results from Atom Bits. 

In Peru, an underground drilling contractor had 256m on average with Atom Bits compared to their average of 208m. The penetration rate was 23% more per shift.

In Peru, on surface at 4,800m altitude, the contractor gained 63% more meters with Atom Bits. The previous average with North American made its was 94m, and they achieved 153m average bit life with Atom Bits. Despite drilling at altitude, the penetration rate was also 15% higher.

At POGO Mine in Alaska, Atom 13mm Bits averaged more meters than other North American 16mm and 18mm impregnation height bits. Blade 9 drilled 260m on average with 13mm crown while other brands drilled 206 and 197m with 16 and 18mm crown heights, respectively. The average penetration rate with Atom Bits was 514 mm/min, while others were ranging from 239-486mm/min. The client switched to using 17mm Blade 9 series.

In Chile at Loc Bronces, the surface drilling had a previous drilling record of 248m average with a good margin from previous drilling. Even though the client was satisfied with those numbers, after testing Atom Bits their average drill rate rose to 350m, with a 16% higher penetration rate. The client switched to Atom Bits.

In Northern Ontario, surface drillers achieved 27% more meters and 21% higher penetration in average when they started using Atom Bits. 

In Saskatchewan, underground drillers gained 30% more meters and had a 35% higher penetration rate in interchanging ground conditions with Blade 9 series bits.

In Newfoundland, surface drillers gained 30% more meters and had a 35% higher penetration rate with Blade 13 in hard ground, where, previously, they were not able to drill with a bit that lasted.

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